Thursday, July 29, 2010

Power From The Heart


Why does Peter Gabriel move me so?
You might think that I'm just a silly ol'
guy who doesn't really know good music,
but let me counter that with this Peter
Gabriel song about what I think is
freedom of the heart- and it moves mine
does it move yours?

What is there not to love in this
brilliant singing and brilliant and
soulful music?

It comes upon you slowly, that this is 
about something totally beyond what we
might suspect?  Gabriel is touching something
deep within all who listen to what his
brilliant rhythm reveals in our inner person?
This is why we are doing what we are doing
and are asking those of you who can
to carry our facebook and our other social
media inputs out into the country and world-
because we are a small Rural community
in Louisiana who is seeking to help other
small communities find out if the power of
the soul that Gabriel so expresses,
can work for us all?  Do you think it can?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Peter Gabriel-In Your Eyes

Incredible talent - changes that make sense in music that stirs the soul, great thanks to a master who knows what the "grand facade" really is. God bless ya Peter... -Drummer boy

Monday, December 14, 2009

Okay but you might not like it...

Ever have someone press you for a response, when you didn't
want to give them one, you wanted to remain silent, and they
pressed you for it, until you just gave in and offered them
what you felt was an error on your part in saying it, after
all you wanted to stay silent? Ever have that one happen?

Recently one of my associates found himself in a rather
sticky spot, it was a political hot potato, into which
he stepped. He won't get to extricate himself from this
without some loss of personal power, and perhaps even
a few votes in the polls come time for people to
remember what he said. Thing is, he was pressed into
saying it by someone who was basically badgering him;
now, my sense is that you can avoid such, and one
of the cleverest ways to do so is at the end of this
writing; the sign of the cross.

It makes business people furious when you suggest
to them that God would be ahead of their every move,
having already known what they'd think up.
That frustrates them as they like to believe
that they have the ability to be
original, not realizing that the most original thing
that they could do as a business person is learn
the sign of the cross and use it- to put them into
an entirely different frame of mind when facing
opposition that is getting rough. Yes I know some
will say that this is naive, my only response to
that is:

Per Signum Crucsis (By The Sign of the Cross)
De Inimicsis Nostre (From our Enemies)
Libera Nos, Deus Noster (Deliver us, our God)
In Nomine Patris (In the name of the Father)
Et Filii (and of the Son)
Et Spiritus SAncti (and of the Holy Spirit)

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Visit our Facebook effort, it will make ya smile!

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Visit our YouTube- it is truly, going to be AWESOME- 3DEEP is coming! Soon!

Visit the Greatest Online Store there is! No Auctions needed here!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Here is why you needn't FEAR

I'll fear for you...there, now that we've got that out of the way,
you don't have to fear anymore, just let me know you want
me to fear for you, and I will, simple, right?

Nope, it just isn't that simple is it,
because you know,
only you can fear
like you fear, nobody else will.
Which is challenging to the people who want so
badly to convince you that fear is bad
thing. Understand, fear is not bad, nor good,
it is, an emotion, but it has some interesting
byproducts which those who want
to tell you not to fear, fail to note.

Remember how people always
seem to quote Franklin Roosevelt's famous words here:
"All we have to fear, is; fear itself." Well that's a tragically
misquoted statement. Oh, he made it, alright, but if you look
at the entire speech, and the circumstances we were in; trust
me, F.D.R. knew only too well what fear would do to this country!

And it did, and we mobilized as no other nation in human history
has ever mobilized; and, we haven't recovered from that experience
to this day- that's actually an unfortunate truth of the inheritance of
those changes, they changed America, and at least for the foreseeable
future, America is still reeling from those days. Now back to fear...

Fear is how you know that you are in a situation where the result
is going to be something beyond you.

That's not necessarily bad, it is; just what it is, a result that you
couldn't possibly anticipate. But that doesn't mean bad, it can
mean, good, it can mean, you missed the whole deal, and your
feeling of fear was useless, there are literally three choices that
you get to make about any circumstance, you can---

Accept it
Deny it (Reject it)
Change it

So fear prepares you to "get after it," and in decision making
that can sometimes be a very good thing, you may need to,
maybe you need clear perception about an attack upon
your ability to make decisions? Maybe you need to get
into offensive mode to take on the people who are manufacturing
such stuff?

Fear also gets your body goin' - the Adrenal gland comes into
play and a very nice hormone, which is very powerful, called
Adrenaline, comes into play. This is the hormone where,
when a car was fixin' to fall on her baby, a mom just picked
it up! You have heard those sorts of stories, but the odd thing
is, they are true. Adrenaline is powerful; and, it can do bad
things to you if it isn't taken care of, which brings us back to
the unreal people who want you to buy into not fearing.

Seriously consider that you cannot; not fear, anymore than you
cannot, breathe air- it is nearly autonomic, and there is a reason
for that which has to do with one of the most powerful drives
that exist in a human, the drive to live.

Fear is attached at the hip to this drive, so,
it happens nearly automatically, notice
I did say nearly, because, we have the split second of choice,
which Steven Covey discusses in his master work "The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective People." In this masterwork Covey points
out that we aren't a product of our glands, we can and should
make a choice.

Will you let me take that one step up and say, yes
we do have a choice, but, we should be honest with ourselves
about fear, versus other emotions similar to fear?

Fear is more instantaneous, and therefore,
my sense is that while you might
be able to take a split second to really grasp
what is heading your way, you shouldn't struggle
to control it as the Bear charges at you!
See the illustration there?
It's not so much about control
as it is about understanding,
which occurs ahead of time.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cellular and Technology – Are You in the Picture?

The picture of cellular is rapidly becoming one of use, maximum use, and best services to you, have you noticed that you are being sought after by lots of brands in their ads? The competition goes at it with big brands such as Motorola, HTC, GE, RIM (Research in Motion) and others weighing in for the fight; you see, while it seems that the technology has arrived and now is mature, it isn't; it is still an infant. What this means to you is that so many good things are coming, that this article will be very helpful, to show you some of them, but also to provide some references and some ideas about what might be best for you.

This is not so much about choice as it is use, choice you might agree, has much to do with use. My daughter asked a friend what they thought of “Droid,” they said the weren't impressed, she asked another friend they said “it's awesome you have to get one,”: she asked someone who we respect in the technology field they said that it is almost as good as an iPhone, and she said ot me, "what does all this mean? Which one should I get?" If you've faced similar thoughts and indecision, then keep reading as how we solved that may help you.

My first question was the obvious one, what do you do most of? She responded, "never thought about it, but I text more than talk I think?" This might be true of you also, so I asked her the next question about that, "do you put pictures into your text?" "No I don't, just text." She had now filled in the blank for use, she needs a phone that does text really well, pictures sometimes, and you can talk on it. For me it's not a question of that, I need to be able to talk, my cell phone would die of malnutrition if texting were eating. So let's recap that point, use is a very large part of what the phone is about.

Does the device work with you? Some phones are just not for your hands, they don't Bluetooth like you want, they aren't setup screen wise the way you like, it's really such a personal decision, and yet, if you haven't thought about these features, they can throw you and you can end up with a phone that you just aren't comfortable with. It's been our expereince, and we believe, the experience of a great many people to look before you leap on that phone.

Now let's talk about the cellular term that everyone knows is a carrot in the deal, upgrades! What an upgrade can mean is wonderful fun, wonderous entertainment, "WOW" as a total overall rating. Yet there is also a side to upgrades that is hidden, has to do with costs, has to do with plans, has to do with networks. If you aren't sure, be certain before you entertain the new member of your family.

Summarizing as a way of concluding our thinking together, the cellular changes are coming fast, they are coming faster than Gordon Moore (author and discoverer of the law which sees technology advancing faster than human thinking) even saw; they are better, sharper, and yet, they can be misleading. The only real rules for caution which seem to fit are, be certain you realize what you are getting into, before you get into it. My sense is to not make the upgrade or purchase without a day or so to think it over, but that's just me being overly cautious, and, having the same Razor for three years, one thing I've discovered about that three year old puppy, it'll still bark when I want it to and it doesn't go to the bathroom on the floor. Something good can be said about that I guess?

drd's Blog

Ooh Visit Our Twitter Group 1000 plus strong and growing!

Visit our Facebook effort, it will make ya smile!

Visit our MySpace effort, it will make you glad you did!

Visit our YouTube- it is truly, going to be AWESOME- 3DEEP is coming! Soon!

Visit the Greatest Online Store there is! No Auctions needed here!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Keep Going Back

Plan from the end, to the beginning, so that you can get there.
Do not fail to envision the end as you really, clearly desire that
it must be, don't over indulge it, don't underestimate it, be as
real about that end as you can be. If you want to live in Colorado,
learn about the place, learn what it costs to live there now, if
you want to move there in three years, learn about the
average increases in cost of living, get down to the details,
if you are going to be in a retail orientation, learn the buying
trends that support, or, don't support your position and why.
Make your vision real, and the end real, before you begin
the process of seeing it fall into place. You know that I love
Jack Canfield, Dr. Joe Vitale (who BTW is giving a free copy
of his e-book on creating wealth to those who will partake
of it at:, Lisa Nichols,
Dr. Beckwith, John Assaraf, and many others who made:
What Is The Secret
And believe in much of what they say regarding the reality
of vision, this however, is planning; which entails visualization,
but also, this is about visualizing steps as they can happen;
in order for what you see as the end, to take place.
Remember: See the end, from the beginning.

Until we meet again, remember that you can always,
donate to keep the good Dr. in dreams...
love and peace to you all... -drd4u

Sunday, August 30, 2009

This Seems Important-

Let me know what you think:
I'm thinking maybe there
is something to this?

Love to hear from you,
I know this is deep and
kinda shocking stuff...
but hey, let's get into it?
Let me know what'cha think?
