It isn't characteristic of you, in fact, people who know you would say that you aren't yourself. Stop and think about that, if you aren't yourself, who are you? Before you dismiss that out of hand as a ridiculous phrase, maybe there is more there than meets the eye? We've become quite sophisticated in our scientific and technological age, so much so, that we dismiss out of hand any talk of - demons. We dismiss out of hand, any talk of spirits, which aren't good, being able to do anything with, or to, someone who is a Christian. We dismiss it out of hand and actually don't even consider that if a person were under the influence of an evil spirit, they certainly wouldn't be themself, would they? Now let's back that up one time and ask ourselves if we're real certain that we have it all ironed out about what Jesus meant when he talked about self denial? "Huh." you ask, "what's that your sayhing Dana, Jesus was talking about spirits and lives?" Well if we are to follow Jesus, my question becomes, can you do that without being indwelt with the Holy Spirit? So when you aren't yourself..well, my, my, you might be showing an outer truth of an inner condition, and we who observe such might ought to do what?
Let's leave it there...and you comment, we'll pick it back up tomorrow, but my sense is you might want to dial in for that one, pretty sure, it might not be what you are used to hearin'...until then, let's pray for one another.
Luk 18:1 And he spake a parable unto them [to this end], that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;
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